Saturday, September 25, 2010

Second time, new perspective

Well I am on my way to take my sister-in-law to see Eat, Pray, Love. I know it's my second time seeing this movie, but it was so good.  Second times are not always a bad thing because somewhere in there, there is a new lesson, a new perspective that allows you to see things differently.

I know it's happend to you before when you see a movie again and say hey I don't remember that, well because now you are looking at it with a different set of eyes or your expectations are different about what you see

Also it was her birthday on Thursday so we thought it would be a great movie to see and for some reason your birthday is usually a time when we evaluate our lives and as we get older we ask ourselves more and more what have we done with all this time we have been blessed with.

Also gives me a chance to hang out with a person who I have fun with and that's always good.

Until next time

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