Sunday, October 24, 2010

An Easy and Beautiful Sunday

Today I saw the most beautiful clouds today. I mean have you ever seen clouds so beautiful that it took your breath away.  I think we sometimes forget the beauty in nature, but I tell you those clouds had me enjoying a blissful moment, even if it was for a few minutes.

I am continuing to have a wonderful and beautiful Sunday evening, just relaxing and enjoying my time home with my family and having my hubby cook for me. I really love that. He loves cooking much more than I do, so I let him do what he loves, which makes us all happy.

We will also get a chance to just cuddle and watch a movie tonight and eat some cannoli's, yeah I know its suppose to be popcorn, but went to my friends house yesterday for a Tucson style girls night out and they sent me home with some cannoli's, so who was I to say no, because  (I just love cannoli's and watching movies). So it's cannoli's and a movie for me tonight.

Until nex time


Gee Taylor
A Blissful Woman

Sunday, October 17, 2010

21 day meditation challenge

It's Sunday evening and I just finished my 2nd day of a 21-Day Mediation Challenge that I have decided to do to bring me closer to a more blissful me.  I wanted to do this because I wanted find a better way to become more centered and relaxed. I have suffered from several anxiety attacks over the years that have put  me in the hospital and I have been thinking about mediation for a long time and this opportunity presented itself to me, and as they say, nothing is coincidence. You ask the universe you receive.
Needless to say that I started 6 days later after receiving my first challenge, but I had to forgive my self, move on and as they start from where I was at and it has been good.

And I also realized that when you start to move in a more blissful life, challenges happen to try to get you off your path and sometimes you need a way to get you back, so I thought learning to mediate would allow me to do that as well.

So if you want to start your journey into mediation, you click here 1st Day of 21-Day Meditation Challenge
and enjoy.

Until next time


Gee Taylor
A Blissful Woman

Friday, October 15, 2010

What a Show

As part of my ablissfulwoman journey and enterprise, it's about the journey of creating a blissful life in our spiritual and sensual lives and so in the sensual part of my journey I host a weekly online radio show called Venus Suite Radio Show , where we talk about relationships, along with my co-host, friend and partner in crime, Audrey Bell Kearney, you can also check her blog at  Well we had a wonderful show last night. Our guest Elaine Flowers, author of " I Wouldn't Mind Having a Husband, I Just Don't Want to Be Someone's Wife: A Single Womans' Guide to Self Fullfillment"  (click on the vsradio show link) to see this book. Ms. Flowers, shared some wonderful insights with us about relationships and how single women need to understand why they want to be married and how they need to find out who they are first before they take that plunge. Well that is right up my ally. I also found this book is great for married women as well, I found some interesteing things in it that helped me to look at who I was in married life. Very eye opening to say the least.

But even on the relationship show I talk alot about knowing who you are in, in and out of relationships with another person because by doing that you have a better understanding of what you want once you are in one and what you will allow as well.

The journey of living a more blissful life one moment at time is all about looking inside and finding out who you are, be it in and or out of a relationship with a significant other, family member or friends.  You will only attract authentic people in your life, if you are you authentic self and for many of us that a process that you have be willing to begin.

Until next time


Gee Taylor
A Blissful Woman

Saturday, October 9, 2010

National Orgasm Month

What you may say..yes..yess.yess. oh sorry I am getting carried away, but yes October is also National Orgasm Month.   In honor of National Orgasm Month (October)...I am feeling great today because I am getting ready to do one of the many things that brings me joy. A Passion Party. I love sharing with women ways to get in touch with their sensual sides, with or without a partner, because I believe in equal opportunity satisfaction.  What I really love about it is sharing the information, you know there are so many things that we don't know about who we are as women when it comes to our bodies.  We learn a lot from people who give us wrong information, because they may have the wrong information and then we try to build a relationship on that info only to learn later on there is so much more to it than that.

Who would have thought that I have whole month dedicated to helping me share more information about enhancing and creating Sensual Bliss.  As women we have such wonderful womanly parts and I love sharing ways on helping women to enhance them all. Creating Sensual Bliss for all women who I come in contact with is what I am happy about. 

Okay ready to go to my show, hope that you enjoy the month sOOOOOO much more passionately.

Until next time

Gee Taylor
A Blissful Woman