Friday, September 17, 2010

Blissfully Consistent

Well since I realized I have not blogged for two days now and hearing the little voice of my good friend Audrey in the back of my head saying, Gee we just have to be consistent. I just love her.

So guess what, I am not going to be just consistent, oh that scared you a little didn't it. Instead I am going to be blissfully consistent, it has a happier ring to it, don't you think.  Well maybe not to everybody, but I think it brings about a happier way of doing things and I want to do things that make me happy every chance I get. As a matter of fact, I am blogging to you right now with my new boa on that I just purchased.  Can you guess what color it is? Think blissful.

So whenever there is a something that you have to get done, think about adding a little bliss to the mix and perhaps you can make the process of doing what you have to do a little more blissful

Here are a few definitions for the word bliss, to help you see how you can add one of these aspects to your day.
Bliss:  ecstasy, heaven, paradise, enjoyment, happiness, delight, pleasure, harmony
Until nex time
Georgette Taylor (Gee)
 A Blissful Woman

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