Spiritual Bliss

Well as I mentioned in my general post I have started learning how to mediate. I have also committed to reading one book a week that will be dedicated to my study of becoming a more enlightened and blissful me.

So from time to time, I will be sharing with you some of my finds and resources that will help you to also take the journey of creating a more blissful life for yourself.

If you don't know by now, I am will share this with you, I am an avid fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer and I think his book, The Power of Intention is just phenominal. 

I read it a while ago, although I realized that sometimes you may not be ready to receive what you are reading. I am now ready to receive, so I have decided that this is the first book that I will read for my week a book commitment.

Hay House, Inc.If you would like to check out any other Wayne Dyer books, dvd's or audios, I have quite a few, you can check them out at Hay House, along with many other in-powerment and enlightened products.

Until next time,


Gee Taylor,
A Blissful Woman